Feeling been Cheated? Follow 8 Ways to Move On


Feeling been Cheated? Follow 8 Ways to Move On

We all agree that there is no worst feeling than realizing that you have been cheated. However, rather than cribbing and making it your weakness, you need to move on and make it the strongest part of your life. Make this cheating phase the strongest phase of your life, and learn how to overcome it and move on. Here are 8 ways to help you out.

1.  Stop blaming yourself

Feeling been Cheated- Follow 8 Ways to Move On-likelovequotes

First and the foremost thing to do is to stop blaming yourself, after you have realised that your partner has cheated on you. There can be other reasons for him to do so, hence it was never your fault. Learn to understand that your partner has cheated on you does not necessary mean you felt short of something.

2.  Talk to someone if you think you have been cheated on


Do not stay alone once you find out that you have been cheated on. Staying alone can make the situation worst for you if you do not have the habit to staying alone during bad times. It can make you feel neglected or worse can make you weak and you might start thinking that there is no one in the world for you. Hence talk to your BFFs when you cannot handle the low feeling alone.

3.  Change your routine


If you two were following a set routine together, then it is advisable to change it. Change the time you two were travelling together or doing the laundry or going grocery shopping. Change the shops you went to and the route you used to take if possible. A new routine will also keep you busy and make you forget him/her.

4.  Engage in a new hobby to forget been cheated on


It is always advisable to learn something new when one is feeling sad. Hence, learn a new hobby, which will keep you entertained for sometime and also make you forget the person who cheated on you will help you move on in your life.

5.  Be Alone


If you can handle yourself and feel good being alone when depressed, then you can opt to be alone for sometime, as soon as you find out that you have been cheated on. However, do not try this option if you know you cannot handle being alone when in sad mood.

6.  Travel – a way to move on


Meeting new people, exploring new places is one of fantastic ways to move on in life. If you feel low, then hit the road and travel to a place unknown. This will help you meet new people and keep your mind occupied in exploring the new place.

7.  Throw a party


If you are a party person then try this option. Meet your BFFs, dance all night long and also talk to them about your ex. This will also help you move on in your life and for that moment of time forget your ex.

8.  Read something to move on


Reading helps to keep one’s mind busy, hence read something that fascinates you to keep your mind away from thinking of your ex. Save a time and place for reading and make sure you follow the routine. This will help you get over the feeling of being cheated.

Also read: Quirk It Up Post Breakup!

Follow the above ways, to avoid feeling devastated and to overcome the feeling of been cheated.