10 Absolutely Romantic Ways To Spend This V-Day


10 Absolutely Romantic Ways To Spend This V-Day

February means, the month of love. Starting from teddy day, chocolate day to the very fashionable V-Day, romantic and silly at the same time. So, why not make something unique? I mean, you know just like those creative crafts work type.

Read: May This Valentines Bring Us Much Closer

Innovating new thoughts with the minimalistic things we have near our hands and make this romantic moment a memorable one. These things make sweet memories in the long run.

10 Absolutely Romantic Ways To Spend This V-Day

#1. Recreate the moment you first meet

Just relive those lost moments and feel the “love is in the air”vibes all over again. Walk the same streets, visit the same place, go to the same restaurant or coffee den, just rekindle your first moment of love all over again.

#2. Share the same couch and enjoy a night together

Create some #romantic playlist, pad up for some unseen or seen movies. Dazzle up the moment with candles, perfumes, roses, champagne, some spicy and sweet dinner to end the day.

Read: Missing You A Lot On This Valentines Day

#3. Plan some fun yet #romantic games

When was the last time you both laughed your heart out? Or, you both played some fun games together! Difficult to remember right? So, this Valentines Day gift each other the chance to tickle each other’s funnybones. Something like- Have I ever, any kind of situation games, treasure hunt or even dark house. Just let your hair open and be a kid all over again. You never know, what spark it might bring.

#4.Go for a longgggggg drive

Plan an unplanned trip to somewhere. Just you and your partner, feel the breeze and just drive to some unknown destination. A romantic open-air candlelight dinner, roses, a ring, and the stars to witness your special moment.

Read: What is Missing From Your Love Life?? Why is It so Unromantic??

#5. Give the entire day to each other

Competition has taken a toll on our life. We have become so busy that we hardly get any time to spend with our love. Plan this special day only with your partner, leave your phone and laptop inside the closet and hold each other’s hand. Talk about those feelings and get lost in each other.

#6. Pack some surprise gifts and.

And pack some riddles too. For every gift, your partner has to answer one riddle and take his/her gift. The questions should be spicy, wacky, quirky, emotional, and make sure you keep it fun and light.

#7. How about….

Well, this is a game and it goes like this- You ask your partner one question about your favourites. And if your partner answers it correctly, he/she has to open their clothes one by one. This game is strictly for couples who are madly and deeply in love with each other.

Read: 4 Different Valentine’s Day Gifts That He Will Love!

#8. Cook for each other

Daun your chef hats and get set go for a valentines day special cooking contest. The winner will get a tight cosy v-day hug from their partner. Cook something for your partner, decorate the space with some old memories and jazz music or any music of your choice.

#9. Plan a greek party

So you might be wondering what is exactly a greek party! Hmm…Well, you must have seen those movies where the Greeks used to celebrate their special days by decorating their rooms with white and enjoying a glass of wine and grapes and chicken, etc. You know that lavish and royal style. Even you can request your partner to dance and entertain you.

#10. Last but surely the most important thing

Promise each other that no matter what happens you will not leave each other. You will both work out and sort out all the obstacles that come in your way. Promise each other that, when you come home, you will help your partner and not shower your office anger on your partner.

10 Absolutely Romantic Ways To Spend This V-Day

Love is simple, complicated is within us. Love is beautiful, ugliness is inside us. Happy valentines day to all of you.