Fight Hard, Love Harder, and Grow Old Together


Fight Hard, Love Harder, and Grow Old Together

Before you fight hard, I would like to clarify that only constructive fights are good for any relationship. Fights based on ruthless and baseless issues or #fights where neither of the partners tries to understand is useless. But a #fight which is done to solve that dispute or to say those unsaid emotions are healthy.

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Fight Hard, Love Harder, and Grow Old Together

#1. It clears off confusion and misunderstanding

Oh yeah! A #fight a day keeps misunderstanding away. Solve your issues by shouting it out and not by texting it out.

Fight Hard, Love Harder, and Grow Old Together

Read: How to Strengthen Your Relationship In 2017

#2. It makes the bond  stronger

What do you think, #fights or tiffs are the reason behind another tiff?? You are wrong! With every #fight, you both come closer to each other like never before. It is the base of your understanding.

Fight Hard, Love Harder, and Grow Old Together

#3. It reduces confusion and clears off misunderstanding

When you are fighting with your partner, you are actually clearing the air of confusion and increase your understanding level. Try it out instead of avoiding or breaking up!

Fight Hard, Love Harder, and Grow Old Together

Read: A Relationship is Not Only About “I Love You”

#4. Helps to maintain consistency

Several researchers have proved that the couples who vouch to solve their disputes through a fight and not break up are the one who experiences a life long relationship.

#5. You both feel better

Rather than ignoring each other and avoiding each other, it is always better to spout all the anguish and bitter feelings one has inside them. Just #fight it out!

Fight Hard, Love Harder, and Grow Old Together

#6. You both come closer to each other’s feelings, emotions, more intricately

So easy it is, you just have to clear regarding your thoughts. You just have to speak your mind and heart out to the person you desire to live with.

Read: How To Break Up With Someone You Love

Fight Hard, Love Harder, and Grow Old Together

#7. Increases intimacy

Once you know what are your partner’s feelings, emotions, their thoughts, the level of understanding increases automatically which in turn increases the emotion of sex. Intimacy or sex is a feeling which is ignited by the feelings of trust and true understanding.

Fight Hard, Love Harder, and Grow Old Together

#8. Improves your own thinking 

You know your limitations, your reason for bursting out and you also know when to control them and what makes you depressed. A good way of knowing oneself and their limitations too!

#9. No space of any other person

Yeah! Just you and your partner, and nobody else. They even can’t take the advantage of your trust or feelings, the third person singular number people should always be avoided. They are like the plague!

Fight Hard, Love Harder, and Grow Old Together

#10. Live imperfectly happy

Life is an imperfect miracle! And love is the fuel that keeps our life going. A simple #fight shows how imperfect we are, we too can shout and brawl at the same time.

Read: Breakup Is Good. Live it and Enjoy it!

Fight Hard, Love Harder, and Grow Old Together

Love is platonic, love is mild, love is merry! Don’t let the shine and glory of love get dimmed by your doomed mindset or the thirst to make everything perfect. Perfection is a myth, imperfection is te reality. Reality says- “Money is everything” and myth says- “Money can’t buy love!”. In the process of understanding of this constant fight between reality and myth, don’t loose your own identity. Your own identity says- “It is you who is responsible for your glory and sadness. Live and love your imperfection, don’t run after perfection. Perfection is the outcome of imperfection.” #Sarnalic