The Six Degrees of Separation!


The Six Degrees of Separation!

Long distance relationships and separation go hand in hand. Along with it, there is the feeling of nervousness, anticipation and excitement. So if you are in a long distance relationship with your significant other, here are the six stages in your relationship which you will relate to sooner or later. Keep on reading. [ Also read : LDR – Long Distance Relationship Essentials ]

1- Excitement and Nervousness
Well, you’ve been asked to move away from your partner from a distance of 2000 miles so there is obviously a lot of nervousness regarding working your relationship out. Also, excitement prevails in everything. Sudden texts, calls, snapchats, everything! So the stage of excitement and nervousness definitely tops the list of the six degrees of separation that you would face with your partner in your LDR.

Six degress of separation

2- Frustration
Frustration sets in a lot of times while you’re away from your partner. When they can’t call you, respond to your texts well on time or anything for that matter. Please do not give the frustration more importance than your partner. [Also read : Ways to Build Trust in a Long-Distance Relationship


Six degress of separation3 – Denial.
There is going to be a feeling of denial regarding certain things while you’re in the initial phase of making your relationship work. There is going to be a denial in your for making it work because you’ve just heard so much stuff against this from of relationship. But then you are going to gather up the guts along with your partner to make your LDR work.

Six degrees of separation

There are going to be days when you go without talking to each other because that’s just how busy the two of you are in your individual lives and when one of you notices that, you might just end up thinking helpless and hopeless thinking and doubting that if your relationship would ever materialise. So here’s the fourth stage out of your six stages of separation. [Also read : How To Be Loyal In A Long Distance Relationship?]

Six degress of separation

Whoah. Stay extra careful about this one. Because anger can only destroy anything and everything. So before you from conclusions about your significant other just because they haven’t been able to speak to you well on time, do not lash out on them and talk everything out. Remember, anger never helped a soul. Probably this out of the six stages, sucks most of the happiness out from your relationship. [Also read : Long Distance Relationship: He is Ignoring Me – What to do?]

Six degress of separation

6- Happiness.
This is the only thing we’re fighting for by staying 2000 miles way from each other and dealing with each other’s worst behavior right? Because there is absolutely no one else who can make you feel the way ‘they’ do. [ Also read : Long Distance Relationship – Just a Matter of Choice ]

Six degress of separation

So even if 2000 miles come between the two of you, make sure a sense of doubt, anger and despair does not. Remember why you held onto them for so long. Remember all the times the two of you never let go of each other in spite of being mad at them for the silliest of things. Never forget that no distance is greater than your love for them. Never was, never has been, never will be.