Distance Means So Little When Someone Means So Much


Distance Means So Little When Someone Means So Much

Distance Means So Little When Someone Means So Much. Distance doesn’t matter when the love is true, distance doesn’t matter when two hearts are united and loyal to each other. Time or distance means nothing, time or distance can’t tear apart true love. Sometimes people who are right beside you might fail to understand you and it’s the people who are far away from you who could succeed in making you feel better. You can’t really tell if the distance is killing you or making you stronger. But distance never ruins a relationship, if the person is worth it distance means so little. Two hearts that are loyal to each other, two hearts that really care for each other, could never get’s drifted apart by distance. If the person is worth your love, the waiting is worth it too. As long as both are honest to each other distance can’t tear them apart. Your love will keep you together even if you are separated by time or place.

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