This Is Why She Fell In Love With You


This Is Why She Fell In Love With You

She didn’t fall in love with you because you told her how much you love her every-time you saw her online. She fell in love with you, because every morning as soon as you woke up, you said, “I Love You” to her before you checked your phone. She fell in love with you because you showed her constantly that you are willing to put her needs before yours. She  fell in love with you because you never tried to change her. She did because you accepted her for the person she is.

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You accepted her at her worst when she wasn’t able to put up her best. You didn’t just reply to her messages, you were the one texting first. She didn’t fall in love with you because you complimented her for each and everything, she did because you noticed every little details and changes in her that everyone else failed to notice. You respected her feelings, you made her feel alive, you valued her emotions and feelings without judging her for them. She didn’t fall in love with you because you were extremely strong and brave. She fell in love because you made her feel safe when she is with you, you made her strong, you gave her courage.

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She didn’t fall in love with you because you communicated with her. She fell in love with you because you told her things you never told anyone else, she did because you listened to her, she fell in love with you because the conversation is never one sided when with you. You listened to her as much as you spoke to her. She didn’t fall in love with you because you spared some time for her when you could. She fell in love with you because you always made time for her even on your busiest days.

Want to know more reasons why she fell in love with you? Let us know in comments below. Author Manoj.