Something about LOVE

Something about LOVE

Love is indeed a powerful and magical thing. It’s because when two strangers meet then they discover & develop that wonderful feeling which is called LOVE.  [ Read: One-Sided #LOVE ]

Something about LOVE

It is good to have a relationship with someone you love. But we have to realize that love is not enough to make a relationship work. We need trust, respect, time, effort & total commitment. If a person does not show respect, does not earn your trust and cannot keep a promise, then no matter how many times they say ‘i #love you‘ those words will be empty. Let’s take time to listen to what they don’t say. Let’s take time to look at what they don’t show because there are secrets hidden beneath their words. So let us not allow passion but wisdom decide for us. Let us love wisely because it’s not easy to get hurt.  [ Read: 9 Extremely Romantic #Love Sayings That You should Say To Your #Love ]

Sometimes a relationship does not work out to others. They end up breaking and falling apart because of betrayal. But my advice to those who suffer immeasurable heart break is, they should stay positive. They should not allow their hearts to be over rule by hatred. They should not consider their loss as the end of their love life. They should not consider it as the reason to not believe in love again because it’s not yet the end of the world. They still have many opportunities to find & create a new one. I know that a hurtful past is really hard to forget but let us take it as a lesson. Let us forgive the person who hurt us and eventually we may find someone who will be there to #love us unconditionally. [ Read: Why Saying, “I #Love You” Too Soon Is Not A Good Idea ]

We should consider a heartbreak as a blessing from God. It may be the worst nightmare that leaves us crying in the middle of the night but its God’s way of letting us realized that He saved us from the wrong one.

Never give up on #Love. As the saying goes: ‘We are born for #love. It is the principle of existence, and its only end’. Let us not waste the opportunities to show love & care to the person who are dear to us. Life is short so let’s make the most of it.  [ Read: 14 Signs Your Guy Means It When He Says “I #Love You” ]