Mood Swings Can Affect You Deeply – Know How From Us


Mood Swings Can Affect You Deeply – Know How From Us

Did you know that mood swings are the result of chemical imbalance in our brain?? Infact, the importance of mood in our daily life holds an integral part. Like, when you’re  joyful you focus more on the things that have the sound of happy note and ignore those negative grungy feelings. Above all, mood #swings can be at times psychologically more stressful. So before it destroys you, be aware of its symptoms and treatments.

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Mood Swings Can Affect You Deeply - Know How From Us

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Why people have mood swings??

Some of the basic reasons are-

  • Psychological reasons where patients or the victim can commit suicide or cause emotional harm to themselves like- Bipolar disorder, where patients suffer multiple emotions at one go and fail to react accordingly. Next is depression where a person either laughs too much to hide their tears or stays silent.
  • Non-Psychological reasons include PMS i.e. Premenstrual Syndrome, hormonal imbalances, neurological disorders, etc.
  • Especially in women, during menopause they experience a helluva of mood swings. During this time, Estrogen dominates the production of Serotonin which results in sadness and depression at the same time.
  • Stress, Puberty, etc are other causes of mood #swings.

Read: How To Treat Someone Who Recently Recovered From Depression

Symptoms of Mood #swings

Let’s talk about the symptoms-

  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Confusion and forgetful mind
  • Excessive addiction- Alcohol, drugs etc
  • Fatigue
  • Missed periods
  • Breathing problem
  • Delusions
  • Lack of concentration or attention

Sometimes certain symptoms can also focus on life-threatening conditions and in such case please take the experts help. Consult a psychologist and save their life.

What are the treatments one can switch to?

  • Seek medical help
  • Talk to a counselor or psychologist
  • Think about positive thoughts, provoke your mind to think positive and never lose the hope
  • Exercise daily. A simple 30 minutes workout or a nice long morning walk, can help you control your emotional derailments.Show your anger on your work out. Tame your body like a villain and see the result after a week.
  • Change the environment in which you are sitting. Engage yourself in some other works, the works you hate the most. It can be anything like cleaning the toilet or dusting the shelf. You will notice that in order to complete that work in a jiffy, you’ll completely forget about your #swings.

Read: M for Man, M for Mood #Swings!

Try these too-

  • Distract yourself by doing the work you love the most. Listen to music, watch a film. eat foods or even paint. Do anything to hide those feelings
  • Question your mind about your feelings. Like- Why you are feeling this?? What is the word or incident that is triggering it?? Is this thinking actually making you happy or depressed?? etc, and all sorts of questions until you get the desired answer.
  • Talk about it to the person who understands you. Cry if you feel like, cry without any hindrance.
  • Practise morning yoga. Sit up straight or sleep relaxed, put your feets together, fold your hands and slowly say “OM”. This will surely give you results. Each day try some new but simple poses, it’s better if you see those online tutorials and please be safe.

Mood #swings, depression or any other psychological problems is not a matter of our own choice. We don’t do it deliberately, I mean why we would deliberately hurt ourselves?? And most importantly, it’s not at all easy to fight mood swings. But, with the support and care of your loved one’s, with the routine performance of yoga, you can surely control it.

Read: Overthinking Will Destroy Your Mood.

Mood Swings Can Affect You Deeply - Know How From Us

Words of wisdom: The strength of will power is much stronger than the strength of negative powers. Be strong, fight it, fight it with all your heart and always, always feel free to consult a counselor. It’s your health, your wealth, don’t pay attention to those who calls you an insane person. You do your job, you take care of your own self.