Best Tips to Look Attractive and Draw their Attention


Best Tips to Look Attractive and Draw their Attention

Nowadays every girl or a boy wants to look attractive and draw the attention of the opposite gender towards their side. Talking about today’s generation, they already have so much of the taste regarding the trends, fashion, styles that rounds the world at the moment.

Best Tips to Look Attractive and Draw their Attention

By and large these contemporaries try to draw attention or attract the opposite gender at the common places that they go to. Like, when they are out for some social gatherings, chilling out with their friends, out for movies and etc. Also, if you like someone you would wait to catch a glance of that person at any hour of the day. They are the one about whom you not only think most of the time but also want to spend the same as well. In addition if you know that the person too likes you then, there are surely numerous initiatives taken by you to look attractive.  [ Read: 18 Ways To Look #Attractive And Make Him Give A Second Look! ]

Therefore here we provide you with the tips to look good, attractive and fabulous while you are trying to draw someone’s attention towards you.

  1. Feel good, cool and confident about yourself:

Until and unless you feel confident and good about yourself there is nothing that you can achieve. You have to have it in you that you are the best. You should be confident when it comes to your looks and should know that you look great. Obviously, being comfortable is the golden key to build up your confidence.  [ Check out: 10 Things Not To Do With Your Partner ]

  1. You should have the eye contact at the right time:

Your eyes speaks of yourself and your intentions. So gaze and stare to meet the eye of the other gender so that you could catch up his/her present moment thoughts at least. Because this very moment of the eye contact can act as the foundation of your following intention regarding him/her. Also for a perfect eye contact you have to sit or stand straight; it has to be an upright position. Even these postures have a lot to speak about you, that you are as a person.

  1. You should always look shy when you have the perfect eye contact with the person you like:

Well yes it is important for you to catch the eye of the person by yours. But one should take in the note that your eyes should not be loud about your intentions rather, they should just trigger the person’s consciousness regarding your presence.   [Also read: 6 Things To Know Before Moving On To A New Relationship ]

  1. Make space for interaction:

Yes, that’s something which is very essential. Merely the eye contact cannot do all the wonders to your efforts. Hence, be approachable and accessible.

  1. You should be well dressed:

If you are not very well dressed and look shabby there would be no one who would be attracted to you. They would in fact withdraw their notice or eye contact with you. Hence if you like someone you have to “look fabulous to draw their attention towards you.”  [Read: 10 Ways to Jumpstart Your Relationship TODAY ]

  1. Being a girl you should show the best assets you have:

It is extremely important that being a girl you should be dressed in a manner where you can display the best assets in you. Like, if you have very well-toned shoulders or very slim and tall legs then you should be wearing such clothes that draws the attention and attract the person towards that very aspect of yours.  This point actually makes quite sense. Because at a first go, each guy looks up to the beauty in a girl and not to the fact that how intelligent she is. All what matters to young boys and girls of today is the beauty and the personality of the person which attracts and draws the attention of the others within the crowd.

  1. You should not look very annoying as a person:

It important that you are not fidgety as a person because if you are, then it might annoy the other person, which can loss of interest in you. You need to be very particular about how you behave.  [ Read: Annoying Habits Any Guy Would Hate About His Girlfriend ]

  1. It is very important to show to the other person that you have a life:

When you like someone it is not necessary to make it evident in the first go. You don’t have to be so engrossed in sharing at them that you forget that you are at some point even making a fool out of yourself. In fact you have to do just the vice-versa! Show that how busy you are with your own personal and professional work and life because this is probably the best way to draw someone’s attention.

  1. Keep yourself surrounded by people rather than being alone:

 You should always try and be with people as in with a group of friends than being all alone in a social gathering. Because if you are alone, you’ll be concluded as a boring person by the one who might notices you and he/she will eventually draw his/her attention from you. So if you want to attract more people you need to show them that how the existing people around you enjoy your company!  [ Read: 6 Reasons Why Men Love Alone Time ]

Thus, mentioned above are the few great tips to look attractive and fabulous while you are trying to get attention. So once you start following these tips, there is nothing that can stop you from getting in contact with the person you like.