Be Responsible With Her Heart


Be Responsible With Her Heart

She is responsible for your smile, so be responsible with her heart and protect her and she will do the same. Respect her hustle and support her ambition, shower her with unconditional love. Value her loyalty and she will love you wholeheartedly, don’t make her fall if you don’t plan to catch her. Make sure that she is the one and don’t let go, love always protects. If you can’t protect her, you are not in love with her, better move on before it adds much more misery and pain. A real man can’t stand seeing his women hurt. Protect her, fight for her and love her with all your might, never take her for granted.

Read: Remind Her That You Love Her.

Be Responsible With Her Heart - likelovequotes

Read: l Will Love You Forever And Always

Read: Love Long, Love Hard, Love For Real