13 Little Ways to Make Your Guy Feel Special

13 Little Ways to Make Your Guy Feel Special
– LikeLoveQuotes.com

13 Little Ways to Make Your Guy Feel Special

Your man won’t say it out loud, but he secretly wishes for the same amount of love and affection from you as wish for. Are you not always looking for some pampering and an extra dose of love from him? Well, he also wants that reassurance of love and some cuddling.

In fact, even if you love him to the moon and back, he will want more love – just like a child always wants chocolates. So here’s some ways you can make him feel special every day!

  1. Flirt with him

Nothing will thrill him more than other guys getting jealous when you are flirting with him in public. Be it a peck on the cheek or addressing him in third person and playfully complimenting his love, he will enjoy the little games you play with him.  [ Read: 13 Ways to Make Yourself Charmingly Approachable to Guys ]

  1. Compliments

You know how happy you get when you receive a compliment from your boyfriend! Similarly, don’t ignore his needs for compliments – if his smile just sweeps you off your feet- tell him; or his physique is envied by many you know, pass on the message. Let him know how you have eyes for him and only he and you will see his eyes glitter with happiness!

  1. Hug

Physical contact is very essential – men need to be reminded every day that you love them. Give him a cute hug with an ‘I love you’ every morning so that he is reassured. Apart from short, casual hugs when you cross paths with him, give him those tight long hugs once in a while to convey to him that you are always there.  [ Read: 23 Reasons Why Hugs Are Amazing ]

  1. Make him feel the rescue master

Your guy takes pride in being the ‘Man in your life,’ so give him opportunities to feel good about himself. Show him your vulnerable side and let him know that you need him and his support. For instance, discuss your career with him, or ask him to help you with some electrical work to make him feel like that you need him and that your life is so comfortable because of him.

  1. Send him a text

Do you break into a smile when you receive an ‘I love you’ text from your boyfriend in the middle of the day? Now imagine how he will feel when he’s at the receiving end! So send him a flirty text or a romantic incident you remember from the past to let him know why you love him so much.  [ Read: 7 Ideas for Romantic Love Texts Words for Your LOVE ]

  1. Praise him

Massage the male ego! Don’t be afraid of showing him your possessive side, so if you think a girl checked him out, go ahead and tell him that and while do that hold him closer to tell the world that he belongs to you! He will get excited that other women find him attractive and love the fact that you are showing him off to the world.

  1. Indulge in his hobbies

Running errands together or going out in groups is one thing, but doing things he enjoys is another. He will feel very special when you rent a movie he likes or play tennis with him because he enjoys it. So by paying attention to his hobbies and taking them up together, he is going to definitely feel like he is a lucky man!  [ Read: 5 Fun Ways to Add Spark into Your Relationship ]

  1. PDA

Just like flirting, guys enjoy Public Display of Affection (PDA) too. Hold him in public, kiss him or play around with his fingers as you sit on the coffee table and he’s going to be smiling like a child who is in awe of the love he’s receiving.

  1. Give him top priority

Sure you have your sisters, your girlfriends and your guy friends, but always remember – if you want to keep your boyfriend happy, always give him the first preference. This may mean cancelling your girl’s night out once in a while because you have to be by his side, or giving him attention when you are out with your friends.  [ Read: The Only 7 Tests Of True Love For Him And Her ]

  1. Boast about him

Guys like it when they are praised, but they like it more when they are praised in front of your friends and family. So never miss an opportunity to tell your parents how affectionate he is or boast to your friends about how he surprises you every now and then.

  1. Help him with work

Be it picking up his laundry or helping him with a project at work- make it a point to assist the love of your life. He will definitely feel special because you are taking interest in his work and spending your time and effort in helping him.  [ Read: 15 Ways To Deal With The Workaholic Boyfriend! ]

  1. Look good for him

Keep the romance young and sizzling by dressing up, doing your hair, wearing makeup, etc.! He will not only be happy that you are taking so much effort for him, but also proud to be walking hand in hand with you. So look pretty for your boyfriend even though he is already impressed by you and madly in love with you!

  1. Cook for him

When your grandmother gave you the best advice when she said that, “The way to a man’s heart is through is stomach.” So learn to make his favorite dish and surprise him on some evening and your heart will surely melt when you see that happiness on his face! [ Read: Simple Dating Tips That Will Actually Work For You ]

Small and thoughtful gestures of love keep that spark alive in your relationship. Even though both of you know how much you love each other, it is very important to portray that love and that cute smile you get in return just makes it all the more worthwhile!