10 Simple Ways to Keep a New Year’s Resolution

10 Simple Ways to Keep a New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s resolutions are supremely infamous for being broken by people as soon as in a day after the New Year begins.  There is too much pressure on how to maintain a resolution and keep it going even for a few months, let alone a complete year. But, trust me, if you keep a resolution for a year, then next year you will automatically stick to your resolution as well. And if you have the tendency to break it, you will always keep breaking it, due to your habit. [ Read:10 Professional Resolutions for the New Year ]

10 Simple Ways to Keep a New Year's Resolution

But it isn’t that difficult to keep yourself going at a resolution you make for your better life. Here, we discuss a few ways to keep your resolution all year long!


  1. Make a realistic resolution

Don’t make a resolution which might be just too difficult for you to follow. That will just de-motivate you and depress you. You won’t ever think of keeping a #resolution again. [ Read: 100 Best and Unique Happy New Year WhatsApp Messages and Quotes { 2016 }


  1. Keep yourself motivated

Find ways to keep yourself motivated. If your #resolution is to lose weight and keep a good health, keep yourself surrounded by people who can help your weight loss and can help you intake healthy food stuff.

  1. Chalk out a timeline

Plan your entire resolution for the year. How you are going to go about it through the month of Jan-June and then July to Oct and then the holiday season. If your resolution is to travel a lot, chalk out a timeline according to your finances about the places you would like to visit. [ Read: 10 Real-Parent New Year’s Resolutions ]

  1. Don’t give up

Sometimes you might get carried away watching your friends or with work pressure and other tensions, but it is important that you don’t give up completely. That will help you maintain and sustain your resolution. Remember that tensions and pressure will come and go, but self loathe and pity will surround you if you give up on something you want so badly.

  1. Involve your friends & family

Involve your close friends and family in your resolution. This will make you be more responsible towards your #resolution. Don’t keep it a secret, as it is easier to give up when no one knows. Make a public declaration and then strive to achieve the best you can. [ Read: 6 Simple New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep ]

  1. Make a progress report

Make a progress report of your #resolution for every 2 months. This will also help motivate you. Remember that nothing can be achieved without proper planning and notes!

  1. Visualize the result of your resolution

If your resolution is to learn cooking, then visualize yourself making numerous yummy dishes, and inviting people over to eat. Imagine that they are praising you for your culinary skills and you feel like a Chef. [ Read: 10 New Year’s Resolutions Every Couple Should Make ]

  1. Celebrate when you succeed

When you achieve the small goals within your #resolution, give yourself time to reflect. Pat yourself and reward yourself with something you love!

  1. Try until you succeed

Keep trying until you succeed. Consistency and determination go a long way in carving a marvel out of a person’s destiny! Don’t blame others or circumstances for your failure, keep trying and take it on yourself to complete your task. [ Read: 9 New Years Love Resolutions for Happy Relationshipsa ]

  1. Let your self-respect depend on it

Make your resolution an important part of your daily life. Let yourself respect depend on it. Think that if you cant complete your #resolution and stick by it, you will lose yourself respect. Make it an obsession and take it along with your routine. Take #resolution seriously, for it may turn your life around. People usually pass it off as a joke and end up with nothing by the end of the year. You can change this, by taking yourself and your resolution for your improvement seriously and honestly!

Have you managed to keep your new year’s resolution for the entire year? What kept you motivated and dedicated? Share with us in the comments section!