Relationship Hacks: Cool Topics To Talk About With Your Crush


Relationship Hacks: Cool Topics To Talk About With Your Crush

There are many situations when you feel that you are tongue tied. This makes you to look for some of the Cool Topics to talk to the person you want to. Such a situation arise when you want to talk your heart out but find it difficult to begin a conversation. You get so excited with the idea of meeting him that you forget everything else. Being in such a situation irritates you. Due to this very reason, brings to you some cool topics which you can use to strike a conversation. What are you waiting for? Scroll down and Explore More!

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Relationship Hacks Cool Topics To Talk About With Your Crush

Cool Topics To Strike A Conversation.

In order to know the person we need to start a conversation. And In order to start the conversation with someone we need to have some topics in hand. If you too are going to such a crisis of words and topics so you need to read this further.

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#1 Ask About Him:
The basic topic to start conversation is to ask them to share something about themselves. Let them share things about them. What they like and dislike some childhood memory etc. This topic will automatically give you another topic of discussion.

#2 Common Interest:
When nothing comes to your mind tell them something about your interests and you can extend the conversation by asking them their common interest.

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#3 Moments:
After knowing the basic things about the person, you will definitely want to know him more. So the best thing you can try is to start a conversation asking them about their special or funny moments.

#4 His Work Place:
The next turn you can give to your conversation is by asking them about where they work, their work interest and about their work environment.

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#5 Life Experiences:
Another cool topic you can bring up is about asking them about their major life experiences. This topic will help you know about their life and their philosophy towards life.

Thus, these topics will surely help you start a conversation with person you are interested in.