10 Ways to Perfect Your First Date Conversation

10 Ways to Perfect Your First Date Conversation
– LikeLoveQuotes.com

10 Ways to Perfect Your First Date Conversation

First dates can be exciting, nerve-wracking and filled with possibilities. Don’t prepare a speech but make a mental note of things that you will talk about. The topics should be such that they should interest your date. Dating can be fun – lots of fun! But in order to get to that I-have-to-see-you-everyday giddy feeling of a fulfilling relationship you have to pass the first date in all of its awkward glory. As a way to break the ice (beyond commenting on the weather) these conversation tips are sure to help you have a smooth date.

  1. Do not talk about your ex:

While it might seem okay for you to be open about your life in the past, your date might just mistake it to be that you haven’t gotten over them yet. And it could get totally awkward throughout. Things didn’t work out between you and your ex, talk about the same and lose a prospective partner.  [ Read: 18 Signs that Your Date Actually Likes You on the First Date! ]

  1. Be well dressed:

A well-dressed person is such a turn on. It doesn’t have to be lavish neither should you over do it. Just cool enough to feel comfortable and confident about yourself. It gives them an impression that you consider it important to look presentable. What to wear on a first date actually matters a whole lot—more than any of us probably would want to admit.

  1. Do not trash –talk:

May be you did fall for your date at the very first sight and have dreamt about your future with them already. But do NOT let it show in your first meet itself. They would only thing of you to be desperate. So much for your innocent love. Tchtch!  Girls are wary of cheesy pick-up lines and no one wants to sound like they’re using one that’s been tried a thousand times before. [ Read: 14 Signs You’re Ruining Your First Date Unknowingly ]

  1. Talk about topics that interest her:

It would make them feel important and they think of you not as some random self-obsessed narcissist. If you have things in common to talk about, great. There’s also a thin line between trying to show that you are interested and being intrusive. You wouldn’t want to do the later. Just know where to draw the line.

  1. If you’re a music person, share your stories/journey in brief with her:

Being a musician is an added bonus. They are known to be some of the softest spoken people around and the coolest, no doubt. People always admire you for the state of trance you get them into with your music. Be absolutely humble about it. And if you click, you may write songs for your date and serenade them. You could gift them concert tickets for a casual hang out.  [ Read: 16 First Date Tips for Guys to Charm Your Date ]

  1. Make her feel at ease:

Meeting your date for the first time can be nerve-wracking. Setting a chilled out atmosphere would benefit the both you since you can then be yourself and not feel awkward at all. Crack jokes and laugh at yourself, they’d be relieved to know that you are a cool chap. Try an icebreaker that you’d do in “real” life and see where it takes you. If you are at ease, your date will be at ease. Relax, smile and be sincere. Everything else should fall into place.

  1. Compliment them:

Do not hesitate from giving them a compliment but do not be a creep either. Keep it simple and genuine. Your date would like to be noticed for all the effort put in to look just right. Don’t just say something nice half-heartedly or if it’s just a meaningless flattery out of desire to be liked and accepted. Be genuine when you compliment a girl, and if they feel that you are honest about what you are saying, they will appreciate it and like the fact that you like them. [ Read: 16 Tips to Dazzle Him on Your First Date ]

  1. Keep that phone away:

Unless it’s your mom, calling you incessantly, then excuse yourself politely and take the call. You don’t want to seem like you are there just for the heck of it. It can be tempting to check your mobile update every now and then, but you ought to value their presence the most. This date was on a mutual agreement, right? Don’t corner them now that somebody has pinged you online. It’s a sign of disrespect.

  1. Don’t starve yourself:

Do not under eat just to impress your date about how health conscious you are. Don’t be pretentious. Be yourself. Hog! If they judge you for eating what you love, he/she’s not the one. Eat them up, too. Also keep in check with your table etiquette.  [ Read: 13 Warning Signs To Detect On The Very First Dates! ]

  1. Go Dutch:

This one’s for the girls who think it is okay for the boy to pay the bill at all times. Nuh-uh! And while the boys may insist to do so, the girls should be equally adamant about paying their own share of price. If you can run the world, you can pay your bills too. Guys find women who are independent/self-sufficient really attractive.

Try to avoid asking for a second date during the first simply because it puts pressure on the other person to give a positive answer. Send a text as soon as later that same evening as though saying that you really had a good time and would like to do it again. Otherwise wait for a day or two to follow up. It’s usually pretty obvious if you are going to be up for a second date though if you pay attention.