10 Clear Signs Your Man is Worth Marrying

10 Clear Signs Your Man is Worth Marrying

Women often get into relations with men who don’t really give a damn about them. They start valuing them more than they should be valued. They often ignore and take the guys who actually love them, for granted. If your man displays the following signs of love and care, make sure you never let him go out of your sight. This guy is a real keeper and would keep you happy forever.

10 Clear Signs Your Man is Worth Marrying

Here are list of 10 sure signs your man is worth marrying:

  1. Your guy remembers small things about you

He never forgets the little details about you. He might forget an anniversary or a birthday, but he knows every little like and dislike that you have. What food you are allergic to, what color you really love, which books you love and what really makes you smile. [ Read: Ways To Hurt Less And Love More In A Relationship


  1. He adores you as much as he loves you

Loving a woman is one thing and being completely smitten and adored by the woman is another thing. If your man is completely in awe of you and your personality, then he is a real keeper. He adores the way you do every single thing, the way you manage all issues, the way you are! [ Read: 7 Best Ways To Deepen His Love For You ]

  1. He is honest and transparent.

He doesn’t lie about things. He thinks it is important to share everything with each other. He doesn’t like to hide things either. If you ask him anything, he is ready to answer you. He doesn’t hide his phone or laptop and is comfortable sharing things with you. He is transparent about who he likes, or he doesn’t.  [ Read: Know The Best Ways To Keep Your Partner Interested In You ]

  1. He makes you laugh like hell

The guy is a laugh riot. He loves to make you laugh no matter what. He is a really funny guy. Though in front of everyone, he may behave sophisticated and sane, he doesn’t really mind making a fool of himself for you, or just to see you smile. [ Read: Ways To Hurt Less And Love More In A Relationship ]

  1. He respects your individuality

He doesn’t ask you to change things about you. He likes you the way you are. He respects your opinions, dreams and passions. He respects you as an individual while still being together with you. He doesn’t try to enforce his choices on you. [ Read: Know The Best Ways To Keep Your Partner Interested In You ]

  1. He isn’t hesitant to take the relation public

This one is a real good sign that the man is really serious about you. He is not hesitant to make things public. He is not afraid to introduce you to his friends, family or neighbors. This just means that he does dream of a life in future with you and only you. [ Read: A BIG Sign He’ll Commit To You In The Future ]

  1. He gives you space and respect your decisions

He isn’t always clinging on to you and wanting to spoil your other plans or relationships. He respects you for your decisions and supports you in them. He gives you enough space to develop your own thought process and personality. He nurtures your thought process and advices you to the best of his abilities. [ Read: If You Can’t Stop Doing These 10 Things, You’re Not Ready To Get Married ]

  1. He is expressive and sensitive

He is expressive and doesn’t tire out in saying how much he loves you. He is emotional and understands your emotions too. He is not arrogant or stone hearted, devoid of any emotions. He loves you and isn’t afraid to voice it out. [ Read: Why We Should Not Force Love And Give It Time ]

  1. He makes you feel special

He makes you feel extremely special, like no one ever did before. He treats you like a princess. No matter where you go, his eyes are always on you. He does small little things to make you feel happy and blessed. [ Read: Top TEN Ways To Make Sure He Is The One ]

  1. He makes efforts for the relationship.

Not only does he voice out his feelings, but he truly and genuinely does care for your relationship with him. He makes efforts to stop a fight, takes chances to do the house work, makes efforts to please you and doesn’t exaggerate things and make it out of hand. He tries to get back to you after every fall out, rather than straying or finding someone else. [ Read: 12 Secret Rules of a Happy Relationship. SHH! ]

What are the signs of LOVE that your boyfriend displays which suggest that he is a real keeper? Share with us in the comments section.